Monday, April 25, 2011

More Easter Fun!

For Easter dinner, we went to the Bergs' in Gardner. Annika loved her dress and bow so much, she kept them on all day while she found more eggs and played with her grandparents. It was a great day with family!

The Easter Bunny Came!

The Easter Bunny came to visit and left Annika all sorts of fun treats. She had a great time looking for eggs, but an even better time eating the candy inside!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Egg Fun

We decided to let Annika dye some eggs for Easter. It was messy and so much fun. Annika's hands even turned out blue! Can't wait to do it again.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring is here...Finally!

Our baby loves it outside, and her mother loves to put her in her cute Spring-time clothes. She loves to walk and is starting to run all over the place. It's sometimes hard to get used to the fact that she is growing into such a little kid, but we love to watch her explore and play.

Reading & Grandma's

Annika loves to read her books and she loves her Grandmas. When you combine these two things, she is in heaven! A couple weeks ago my mom surprised us on a Sunday and spent some time with us, which was great! Then, later that week, Derek's mom came over and Annika got to read with another Grandma. Lucky girl!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Purple Day

We wore purple to honor sweet Kylie. March 26th is Purple Day, where everyone is encouraged to wear purple in support of those with epilepsy. My school and Derek's swim team also wanted to honor Kylie and we got some great pictures!