Sunday, February 24, 2013

4 Months

We actually did take these pics on time.  I just waited to post until his four month appt. 
This past month has been a little more challenging because Asher got so sick.  He is done with his breathing treatments, finally, and is back to acting like himself.  
He is smiling all the time and has started laughing a lot too.  Just recently he has begun to play with toys and loves to have something in his hands.  He also puts everything in his mouth!  Laying down is no longer fun.  He wants to be sitting up and looking out.  If he is laying in your arms, he will try and pull himself up to a sitting position.  It's so fun to see him start to develop a personality.  For the most part he is pretty laid back.  He loves to watch us, especially Annika.  I'm pretty sure she is is favorite person!
4 month stats:  17.1 lbs. 25.75 inches long
  His head:  17.24 inches  95%.  


 Annika asked Derek to dance with her one night.  


Last Thursday Kansas City was hit with a major snowstorm and Annika was so very excited.  I think the final total was around 12 inches, and Annika loved playing in every bit of it.  Derek had to force her to come inside because it was getting so cold.  We are gearing up for another blast of snow tomorrow and I'm sure we will be out playing in the next 12 inches.

Just to show how much snow we got.  

Thursday, February 7, 2013

3 Months - Late

Believe it or not I actually took these pictures on January 12.  But, I posted his pics from our Picture People shoot instead of these.  Honestly I forgot about these until I uploaded a bunch of pics from the camera tonight.  So, here are his 3 month pics with Thor and Green Lantern.  


Asher started not feeling well about a week ago.  He was exposed to RSV at daycare and because of that, our doctor's nurse wanted him to be seen.  Our doctor had already left for the day but we were able to get an appointment with a different doctor.  So, off we went and found he just had a cold.  Good news, right?  Well, after a couple days of no daycare, he was still feeling horrible and really not acting like himself.  On Friday night we ended up at Urgent Care with the thought he might be dehydrated.  Nope, just a cold.  Everything looked fine.  Over the weekend he started throwing up.  So, on Monday, I called the doctor again.  Our doctor is out of the office on Mondays and the nurse I talked to said he just had a virus and it needed to run its course.  The throwing up continued so Tuesday morning Derek took him into our doctor, thank goodness.  His lungs sounded bad, his oxygen was low, and he had Bronchiolitis.  Not great, but at least we know what's wrong.  Now we have breathing treatments for 10 days to help him feel better.  He looks so sad with the mask on, but I think he kind of likes it.  He doesn't fight us and it really helps.  Three days down.  Seven to go!