Thursday, July 31, 2014

Date Night #7

For July's Date Night, we went to the Royals/Twins baseball game.  It was a gorgeous night, in the mid 70s.  Unfortunately, Monica was not feeling great, but she was a trooper, trying to power through it, making it until the 6th Inning.  She would have kept going, but I couldn't let her suffer any more and we headed home.  All in all, it was a great night: perfect weather, good baseball, a few beers, and an amazing woman.
 Minnesota boy, living in KC.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


We are lucky to live close to so many great parks.  Many are within walking distance or just a 5 minute drive.  Both kids love going to the park and it is something we do almost everyday.  Asher is getting big enough that he can do most things on his own, which is good since he loves to climb and seems to have no fear.  Annika has been working all summer on the monkey bars and has mastered it and loves going back to try it again.  It's so fun to watch them both have so much fun.

 Anything Annika does, Asher has to follow.


Since Asher isn't old enough to do all the things Annika does he just gets dragged along for the ride.  But as long as he can be around us, especially Annika, he is happy.

We bought a watermelon and just put it in the fridge and didn't think anymore about it.  Until we came into the kitchen and found Asher eating it.  On the floor.  With his hands.  
We are fortunate and can go to the pool where Derek coaches as much as we want.  Asher LOVES the water and isn't really afraid.  He spends a lot of time jumping in, climbing out, running to the side, and jumping in again.

Oh salsa.  Asher loves salsa.  Actually sauce of any kind.  He will take a chip and fill it with salsa then just he that.  He will continue this until the chip is flimsy and won't hold any more salsa.  Then the chip gets put down and he grabs a new one.  
Watching soccer and cheering for USA!
At the beginning of the summer nap time was a struggle.  We didn't have darkening shades on the windows so Asher seemed to think naps were optional.  Often we would find him like this.
On one of the days were Asher was supposed to be napping, he decided to play with baby powder.  He has on a dark navy shirt and dark blue jeans.  Not that you can tell.  Take a look at his room here.


Annika started the summer by going to the dentist for the first time.  We should have taken her when she was three, but I think she did better waiting until she was a little older.  Thankfully her teeth were okay too.  She did great!  I went back with her and she did everything they asked of her and was super happy through it all.  She even got a ring when she was done!

 I signed Annika up for a super hero gymnastics class and she was so excited to go!  It was four days for a couple hours each day.  They started by doing gymnastics stuff and then went to have snack and make a craft.  I didn't take a lot of pictures during this but they made a cape, a shield, and a mask.  It was really good for her to do something without us helping her.

 Annika also got her first library card!  She was pretty excited to get it and then check out books.  We've gone to the library a few times this summer so she can get more books.  I love that she loves books.  I hope it continues.
 Annika went to a princess birthday party and was Anna.  It was pretty cute seeing all the little girls dressed up as princesses.  A little boy was there as well and he was spider-man and made sure all the princesses were safe!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Vacation Bible School

Annika attended vacation bible school at the beginning of June and loved it!  At the end of the week they have a big celebration and then they perform their songs they had been singing all week.  They also have a petting zoo, bounce house, and pony rides.  It's great fun and Annika always has a great time.


Although we have done lots of great things and taken lots pictures this summer, I am way behind on posting.  So I'm going to go back to the beginning of summer and play catch-up!  It's hard to believe we go back to school in less than 2 weeks!  I love being home everyday with all four of us and wish we could have a little more time.