Sunday, November 30, 2014

Fall Fun

We had a gorgeous Fall afternoon, and the kids wanted to jump in the leaves, so we grabbed the rake and let the kids run and jump to their hearts content.  Even catching them in a few sweet moments.
Monica found a couple of toy bow and arrows made with PVC and styrofoam.  They shoot well and the kids enjoy pretending to be 'Hawk-guy' (Hawkeye).  They're getting really good at it.


Every year on Halloween, the first house we go to is our friends Kris and Belinda.  They are a great family of one of my former swimmers.  They love the kids and the kids love them just as much.  After we visit them, then we headed back to our neighborhood and went Trick or Treating.  While it wasn't the first time Asher has been, it was the first time he was into it, so we had a blast.  Annika, of course, knew exactly what she was into, and had a hard time waiting for her little brother to catch up.

Belinda and Kris

Ninja pose!

Spookfest at Union Station

Every year at Union Station, there is an event called SpookFest.  It's usually the week before Halloween.  The kids get to dress up in their costumes and play in Science City.  Asher was a werewolf, and Annika wanted to be a ninja.  The kids had a great time, playing and getting candy.  


 Little Kickers, a soccer program, came to Annika's daycare and offered soccer practices once a week for 8 weeks so we decided to sign Annika up.  She loved it!  They came every Thursday for an hour and I was lucky enough to be able to go watch the last day and see Annika get her certificate.  The coaches were great and Annika made sure to stick close to them when she could.  The program did a great job of teaching the basics of soccer but also teaching about sportsmanship and being a good sport. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Fall Festival

We went down to spend time with my family at the beginning of October and while there we went to a Fall Festival.  It was pretty fun and they kids had a great time.  Annika was brave and tried the rock climbing wall all by herself!  They also got some great pumpkins and treats!