Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Build A Bear

Asher got a gift card to Build-A-Bear from his Great Grandma Janet and Grandpa Dick for his birthday.  We tried to go once and the store was closed for remodeling.  So we went right after Christmas.  Annika was very excited to make something and Asher was very happy to sit and watch her do it all.  Annika was very sweet to pick out something Asher would like, but wanted to make sure whatever she made was for her too.  She choose a monkey and named him Monkey Business.  there is a little gym here in town called Monkey Business and Annika had been talking about going there earlier in the week, so I think that is where I think the name came from.  After she went through the process of making the monkey she got to pick out some clothes.  She chose a Thor outfit and the monkeys name became Monkey Business Thor or Thor Monkey Business.  She also picked out pajamas for him and we have to change him into his pi's before bed and back into his regular clothes when we wake up.  The day was fun and both kids had a good time.  

1 comment:

Jan said...

I check out your blog regularly to keep up with my precious great-grandchildren ( and yes, my grandchildren too) and marvel at what great parents you are and how cute those two kids are. Simply the cutest g-grands ever! Ashton, of course counts as one of those too. I don't often make comments but know I'm out here keeping track of you. Love you.
Grandma Jan