Saturday, January 31, 2015

January Date Night

For the second year in a row, Monica and I decided to plan date nights for each other.  We switched the months this time, so January was my turn.  Originally, I planned a fun filled morning of sledding/tubing, coffee or hot chocolate.  However, Kansas City  has no snow, and Monica and I got sick with the flu, so I improvised.  My mom took the kids for us so we could relax and reduce their exposure. On Saturday afternoon, we were feeling a bit better, so we got matinee tickets to American Sniper, and decided to take advantage of Restaurant Week, a Kansas City tradition where area restaurants put together a special menu at an affordable price.  We went to 801 Chop House, a really nice steak restaurant, one we normally wouldn't be able to afford, but with the special menu, we were able to sample a squash bisque, filet mignon, bone-in pork chop, creme brûlée.  All was worth it, and wore us out, so we were back in bed by 8pm, after pounding Tamiflu and NyQuil.

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