Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hickory Creek Ranch

One early Sunday morning we packed up the kids and headed to Hickory Creek Ranch to have a little fall fun.  They had pony rides, a gerbil ball, apple shooter, trampoline, pumpkin bowling and a fantastic pumpkin patch.  The weather was perfect and so was the morning.  The people were so friendly and we all had a great time.

Pumpkin Bowling

Not really interested in bowling, so he played with grass instead.

Gerbil Ball
Annika was a little apprehensive at first, so Derek went with her.  She did great until he went a little too fast and she did a few flips.  Then she was done!

Apple Shooter

Pumpkin Patch


Asher was too little to be on the trampoline with all of the bigger kids, so he played with the 
hay instead.
Fun big white chair

Pony Rides
This was the days favorite.  We had to go back and do it again!

Asher liked looking at the big horses but didn't want to get too close.

 Successful day!

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