Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas Eve

For Christmas Eve, we went over to mom and dad's house. The kids got open some presents, getting many things on their list.  Annika got the Dr Mcstuffins ambulance and magic sand.  Asher got two of his three favorite things, Superheroes (Hulk Smash!) and Frozen.  He's taken to carrying Thor in one hand and Elsa in the other. After having the Berg family traditional Christmas Eve lunch, wild rice soup and home made buns, we packed up to go to church. Or I should say, attempt church, as CE service starts around their bed times.  We made it for about 20 min and then made our way home.  After enjoying some Christmas lights, we finally put the children to bed and settled in for a relaxing evening with some egg nog, a crackling fire, and It's a Wonderful Life.  In reality, after calming down a weepy child(more on that in the next post), and finally getting them to sleep, we proceeded to spend the next 2 1/2 hours putting together their Santa gifts.  

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